The Adventurer Bible Game is the Official Adventurer Bible learning program. The program is created to challenge older Adventurers to use their reading skills and their amazing ability to memorize the Bible.
It is intended to be a family-based activity with parents and Adventurers studying and playing together. Each year new passages of scripture are assigned (alternating Old Testament and New Testament) and excited Adventurers and their parents/caregivers commit themselves to study those passages of God's Word.
The Adventurers are tested over the assigned passages. Because this Bible activity has a different focus than Pathfinder Bible Experience, a 6-year rotation of Bible content has been created that will help introduce Adventurers to the major stories and themes of the Bible.
ABG Instructions and Bible Passages.
With this documents, your club will be able to understand how the Adventurer Bible Game works and what are the expected practices and outcomes.
DOWNLOAD abg guide Download Bible Game study Book & Passages
2023 Team Registration is OPEN!!
Club Directors, please confirm your TEAMS attendance by completing the registration form by February 19, 2023.

Regional Level Event
Date: Sabbath March 11, 223
Northern Region: Red Willow SDA.
Southern Region: Bridgeland SDA.
Conference Level Event
Congratulation to all the Clubs that participated and attended the Adventurer Bible Game- what a game of fun that was!
Thank you for your leadership in learning the Bible together as a club and as families- this is our reward; to know that children and their families are studying the Bible together for eternity!
Congratulations to the Adventurer Teams progressing to Conference Level Event:
North Regional
- Little Giants, Little Giants Club (Onoway)
- Bible Warriors 2, Aurora Borealis (Edmonton Central)
- Peacehills Bobcats, Peacehills (Wetaskiwin)
South Regional
- Bible Express, Parkland (College Heights)
- Bridgeland, Orion (Bridgeland)
- Bible Ninjas, Crusaders (Central Calgary)
- Bible Kids, Crusaders (Central Calgary)
- God's Army, Crusaders (Central Calgary)
- Sparklers, Metro Fireflies (Metro Calgary)
- Little Sparks, Ignite (Airdrie)
- Mountaineers 1, Mountaineers (Mountainview)
- Mountaineers 2, Mountaineers (Mountainview)
Conference Level Event Details:
Date: May 6 at Burman University Gym
Doors open 2:00 pm
Team Check in is 2:00-2:15 (in Type A uniform)
Game Starts 2:30
See you there!