Media Survey (Pastors & Administrators)


Hello Pastors and Administrators of the Alberta Conference!

Please be a hero and help us improve the communications and media at the Alberta Conference! There are TWO things we are asking you to do right away. 

For those who complete the survey, your name will be automatically registered for a chance to win a $150 gift certificate to the ABC Christian Bookstore!  We will be giving out 1 prize for the Pastor/Administrator survey, and 1 prize for the Member survey.

Fill Out the Survey

Please complete the Pastor / Administrator version of the Communications / Media Survey. You can access the survey by clicking the button below.


Take the Pastor / Administrator Survey Now


Share the Member Survey with Your Church

Please share the Member version of the Communications / Media Survey with the members of your church(es). You can click the email button below to share via email (you can personalize the email a bit before sending it, if you want).


Share the Member Survey by Email


Access the Member Survey