Master Guides

About the Master Guide Program


The Master Guide Program is at the highest level of Adventist Youth Ministries. The Master Guides are leaders that serve the church in all areas of the Youth Ministry. Its curriculum is designed for youth and adults, ages16 and older. It prepares the participant for leadership roles with the Adventurer, Pathfinder, and Youth Ministries. The emphasis is on in-service training and active involvement in learning new skills and developing methods for successful leadership. The purpose of the Master Guide curriculum is to develop youth leadership in the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

The Master Guide (MG) Ministry is one of the leadership programs that the General Conference Youth Ministries Department uses to train people for youth leadership. A Master Guide provides assistance to the Adventurer, Pathfinders or Youth Ministries of the local church and/or conference in leadership training, discipleship and outreach endeavors.

The Master Guide Ministry is NOT an extension of the Pathfinder program, it is a Youth Ministry Leadership Program in the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Master Guide is considered to be the highest level in Pathfindering. The Master Guide class is intended to prepare future club leaders.



Master Guides 2021 / 2022 Calendar

 Leadership & Training  Convention Third weekend in November  November 19 -21, 2021
MG Outdoor Expedition  First weekend in September September 1 to 5,2022
Community Services - Outreach   Sunday, May 22, 2022


Download Uniformed Ministries Calendar PDF



Master Guide Events


Alberta Conference Master Guides Revival
November 19, 2021
Master Guides Outdoor Expedition.
September 1, 2022
Alberta Master Guides Campout
September 1, 2023
Master Guide Sabbath 2024
January 20, 2024
Master Guides Camp - Kootenay Plains
July 5, 2024
Camp Meeting Club Ministries PARADE 2024
July 13, 2024
Foothills Summer Camp Registration is now OPEN!
July 28, 2024



Master Guide Leadership



Elizabeth Williams

Volunteer Master Guide Central Area Coordinator

Email Elizabeth




Some Master Guide Requirements




Following are some of the requirements:

1. Be at least 16 years of age
2. Be a baptized member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church
3. Complete Basic Staff Training Course
4. Read the Book “Step to Christ”
5. Complete the devotional guide Encounter Series 1, “Christ the Way”
6. Keep a devotional journal for at least four weeks
7. Demonstrate your knowledge of the 28 Fundamental Beliefs
8. Complete Church Heritage Award
9. Read “The Pathfinder Story”
10. Read “Tell it to the World”
11. Read “Light Bearers to the Remnant”
12. Earn 12 honors not previously earned
13. Complete your knot board with 25 knots
14.Complete Christian Storytelling
15. Complete Camping Skills 1 & 2
16. Complete your CPR certification
17. Leadership Skills
18. Communication Skills
19. Creativity and Resource Development
20. Children and Youth Evangelism
21. Read the book “Education”
22. Read the book “Child Guidance” or “Message to Young People”
23. Read the book “Leadership is an Art”
24. Complete Fitness Lifestyle Development