From ME to We - Friendship Week
This was a week-long activity where older classes had a younger “buddy” classroom. Each day allowed students to participate in a special activity together:
- Monday started off with a short assembly lead out by Pastor Steve.
- Tuesday included eating, playing together and painting some fabulous murals.
- Wednesday the students enjoyed a delicious pancake breakfast prepared by the teachers and some Grade 9 students. Mr. Gabrys lead out in worship along with very enthusiastic students.
- Thursday was PJ Day and each class planned and delivered a surprise for another class.
- Friday was Colour Day. The buddy classes wore the same colour and enjoyed each other’s company as they made a book together.
These opportunities to share together allowed students to continue to grow in the motto of “ME to WE.” Thanks to the staff and students for their flexibility and great spirit!

Drumheller Dinosaur Trip
Grades 3-6 travelled to the Royal Tyrrell Museum on Oct.15. They had a tour of the museum and enjoyed a special 1 hour class where students had the opportunity to dig for real fossils using real paleontology tools.
Some student comments:
- “Drumheller was soo terrific. The Bad Lands were great. Finding my camera case after losing it was wicked. Sooooooo Awesome!” – Gabrielle (Gr.5)
- “Drumheller was very fun. We got lots of pictures!” – Grade 5 Student
- “I really liked the fossils.” – Samuel Nadrchal
- “It was the best and Dinorific and really cool trip!” – Grade 6 Student
- “It was T-rexific!” – Egan Schmidt (Gr.5)
- “The mini games were really, really fun!” – Tyler Lambert
- “I really liked the Tyrannosaurus Rex because the hip was so heavy they couldn’t lift it up, so they had to make a plaster instead.” – Lacey Buttler
- “The Drumheller trip was awesome! We went through the whole museum and took thousands of pictures! The gift shop was pretty. We dug for fossils after. The one and only thing it spells is…Awesome!” – Grade 6 Student
Volleyball Fever
CHCS just completed their Wolf Creek Volleyball League season and are looking forward to the Alberta FCA Youth Rally and Volleyball Tournament on Nov. 20-22. The theme of the weekend is "Beyond the Court". CHCS will host the Volleyball Tournament on Saturday evening and Sunday. All Adventist schools in Central Alberta are invited and 105 students are expected to participate during the weekend.
In the Wolf Creek League the boys’ team won 4 out of 7 matches. The girls’ team made valiant efforts and maintained a positive attitude and team spirit even though they did not win any matches. They were also exceptional at rehearsing their cheers!
Environmental Science Fair
On Thursday, November 5, Grade 8 and 9 students displayed their posters and experiments on a variety of topics for parents and friends to view and discuss. Visitors could also complete the experiments that students had at their table. All of the poster presentations explored topics about some aspect of the environment.
ECS Thanksgiving Dinner & Program
Mrs. Schafer had her ECS class busy in October preparing for the annual Thanksgiving program and meal on October 15. The children made pumpkin pies in the morning and had a great program of Native songs, dances, poetry and drama prepared for their friends and family to enjoy that evening. They had an awesome time! Thanks to Shirley Schafer for providing the pie dough for the pies, buns and whipped cream for the supper.

ECS Seed Lunch
The ECS class has been learning all about seeds and to culminate the unit, they made a very yummy “Seed Lunch”. The whole meal was made up of foods that are made from seeds, contain edible seeds, or were seeds themselves. Some of the foods they had included: whole grain bread, tomatoes, cucumbers, olives, grapes, beans, popcorn, nuts, strawberry jam and pea butter. They invited and were honoured to have Mr. Nielsen (principal) join them for their special meal.
Model Teaching Week
Although most CHCS students had a break from school during the week of November 9-13, some students, along with students from other schools, participated in a Model Teaching Week. This event was held at CHCS and hosted by the Alberta Conference. Seventy-two teachers from Alberta, Manitoba-Saskatchewan and Quebec participated in an intensive and often captivating week in an actual classroom setting demonstrating the elements of Highly Effective Teaching (HET). The week was clearly structured to provide learning for both students and teachers. Three model teaching classrooms (lower elementary, middle grades and Jr. High) were each taught by a seasoned HET teacher. The students became a critical component in the learning process and experienced a fully-functional week of integrated conceptual curriculum. Teachers alternated between observing in a classroom and attending sessions to expand their knowledge of HET. Our teachers appreciated the daily opportunities to discuss classroom procedures and teaching techniques with HET teaching associates. On Wednesday, all classes went on a "Being There Experience". This was a field trip which integrated the classroom theme and curriculum content. This allowed students to learn through real-life experiences. Each class visited one business which included a local dairy farm, Sobeys, and The Good Water Company. A profitable week was had by all and the teachers are excited about trying the new strategies in their classrooms.
Marcia Hill