Dare to Move in Lacombe


The lucky few who are now enjoying their iPods
The lucky few who are now enjoying their iPods


“Reaching out to the youth of Lacombe” was Pastor Moises’ vision in beginning this project and what better way to do that than to participate in a Dare? The evangelistic series sponsored by the College Heights Seventh-day Adventist Church in Lacombe consisted of 9 meetings over 2 weeks focusing on stories from the Bible about people experiencing God. Each night provided a challenge: an opportunity for kids to recommit their lives to the relationship God has been calling them to. Through inspirational worship in music, drama, and story-telling, the evangelistic team dared all who came to move for, listen to, party with, train under, and stop running from the God who loves them.


The reward for attending all meetings was not only a better glimpse of God and the relationship He wants to have with each of His children, but also 20 iPod touches purchased by the College Heights Seventh-day Adventist Church in a bold and generous display of support for their young people. It would have been easy had only 20 people came every night, but the lucky few were chosen in a draw from almost 70 names of regular attendees.


As Pastor Moises said in his concluding talk, this is only the beginning! It’s exciting to see God move because stemming from the Dare to Move series are new friendships, ongoing Bible studies, and 14 individuals with an interest in committing their lives to God through baptism. God is still working on the hearts of those who listen in Lacombe and throughout Canada and we ask that you continue to pray for our young people everywhere.