On May 29th, the Grande Prairie Seventh-day Adventist Church celebrated the baptism of two women along with a profession of faith. The mother of two of these women is joining the local church by transferring her membership from an Ontario Adventist Church after not attending church for many years. Truly the Spirit is moving among us as we reflect on the fruits of endeavoring in our first full length evangelism seminar preached by a local church member and elder.
After 4 weeks of dynamic and Spirit filled preaching by our Head Elder, Kip Kurylo, decisions for the Lord began to be made, and baptisms planned. The Grande Prairie Seventh-day Adventist Church is encouraged to discover that the pastor or professional evangelist are not the only ones who are called and gifted to preach the gospel and Advent message. It is also confirmed once again that God blesses evangelism done right, and bears fruit either in the short or long term.
In extension of the four new members who have committed to the Lord and His church after attending our evangelism seminar, one of the women’s mother, who came to see her daughter’s baptism, is now attending church regularly; and is presently studying for baptism. This same new member has also led someone to the Lord for the first time since her baptism. God is alive and working through an evangelism-minded church in Grande Prairie. Praise His Name!